<aside> 💡 Summary

Step 1: Create a Fazier account

Step 2: Create a company page

Step 3: Create your launch from the company page



Step 1: Create a Fazier account

Time required: 2 minutes

Please sign up to fully enjoy your Fazier experience. You can use Google or any email account to log in.


Step 2: Create a company page

Time required: 3 minutes

Every launch on Fazier is related to a page. To launch on Fazier, you have to create a company page first.

You can create a company page by clicking the “Create Page” button in the Navigation bar/header. Then fill in the information.


Alternatively, visit this URL for page creation. Please make sure you are logged in. Otherwise, you will not be able to create a page.

Step 3: Create your launch from the company page

Time required: 5 minutes

Once you complete the page creation steps, you will be redirected to the created page. It will look something like this (with your company page details) 🥳